Guided tour to the exposition “Feat of the Nation”

The combination of unique exhibits, multimedia complexes, special effects and scenery recreated with stunning authenticity will help the tour guide to immerse you in the atmosphere of wartime. On the tour, you can not only learn new facts about the history of the Soviet Union, but also generate interactive maps, get into the library of besieged Leningrad or listen to the reports of the Soviet Information Bureau from the studio where famous Soviet radio announcer Levitan worked.

For foreign groups:

English-speaking museum guide:

1-5 people - 5,000 rubles/group

6-20 people - 12,500 rubles/group

If a group has an interpreter:

1-5 people - 4,500 rubles/group

6-20 people - 10,000 rubles/group

Booking: + 7 (499) 449-81-81
Подробнее о проведении и заказе экскурсии
+ 7 (499) 449-81-81

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